Give & Serve
One of the ways we can worship God is by giving of our time and money. We recognise all that we have has been given to us by God, and we are therefore invited to give cheerfully and without compulsion (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Each Sunday at Christ Sanctuary, we pray for this financial giving which is usually given online as an act of worship. Cash offerings can be placed in a bag on the communion table. The offering is used to pay for salaries, building hire, as well as ministry expenses. A portion of our giving is set aside for mission work outside of CS, as well as our mercy fund (see ministries page).
Financial transparency is important to us, and our finances are handled by a reputable local accountancy firm. Each financial year, regular givers receive a donations tax receipt from our Treasurer.
To support Christ Sanctuary Palmerston North with a one-off or regular donation of any amount, please use our account:
Kiwibank 38-9017-0249938-00.
While there are plenty of opportunities to serve others through the ministries and gatherings at Christ Sanctuary, we believe that your primary calling is to serve those God has placed around you in your life and vocation.
However, if you would like to serve in one of our ministries or as part of our worship gatherings, please talk to an elder or ministry leader.

To live as freed people
and neighbour