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What to expect

Where to find us

Christ Sanctuary meets every Sunday at 50 Queen Street, in the black building opposite the UCOL Carpark. There is plenty of free parking.

What can I expect?

Our worship service combines a number of parts. We begin with a reading of the Bible as a call to worship. We then worship God through song, prayer, and the reading and preaching of the Bible. Each week we pray for our financial offerings, and often use this time to pray for other churches in our city and nation.
Each week we take the Lord's Supper, or Communion together, and this is open to any professing believer in Jesus. Our time of worship ends with a benediction from the Bible, which declares that God's grace rests on all who are in Christ Jesus.

What about the kids?

Most weeks during the school term we have Children’s Sunday School. This goes for the duration of the sermon. For more information see our Ministries page.


We also have a ‘Kid’s Spot’ during the main service, usually based on the New City Catechism. 


We recognise that children do make some noise, and so we encourage patience and charity towards parents and children, as we are a church not a library! We have a creche for parents to take their little ones who aren't able to sit through the whole service.  There are activity and colouring packs at the back of the church especially to help children stay through the service.

To live as freed people


and neighbour

© 2022 Palmerston North Church - Christ Sanctuary
Header image: Geoff McKay (Flickr)

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